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Discriminatory Harassment

Discriminatory harassment is injury or intimidation, by force or threat of force, that:

  • Interferes with a person’s civil or constitutional rights; and
  • Is motivated, in whole or in part, by that person’s actual or perceived group identity.

Discriminatory harassment is also damage, defacement, or destruction to the real or personal property of a person that:

  • Intimidates that person or interferes with that person’s civil or constitutional rights; and
  • Is motivated, in whole or in part, by that person’s actual or perceived group identity.

Examples of Discriminatory Harassment
Discriminatory harassment can occur between neighbors or on the street. For example, if a neighbor or someone on the street says to you “go back to your country” and physically assaults you – that could form the basis of a complaint with the Human Rights Commission. It can also include a scenario when your home or personal property is damaged because of your race or religion.
The Westchester County Human Rights Law prohibits discrimination based on 16 protected categories, whether actual or perceived, including: 

  • Age
  • Ancestry
  • Alienage or Citizenship Status
  • Color
  • Disability
  • Ethnicity
  • Familial Status
  • Gender
  • Gender Identity
  • Gender Expression
  • Marital Status
  • Military Status
  • National Origin
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Status as victim of domestic violence, sexual abuse, or stalking

How to File a Complaint?
If you have been injured, harmed or your property has been damaged due to your actual or perceived group identity, contact the Human Rights Commission to discuss filing a complaint.

Acts of discriminatory harassment occurring after Dec.7, 2021 are covered by this law. The Human Rights Commission is not a criminal law enforcement agency – if you have been the victim of a crime or your life is in danger, you should call 911 or your local police department first. The Commission does not ask about your immigration status.

Reporting discriminatory harassment is an important first step in ensuring that acts like this do not happen again. Your report can help prevent future abuse and guide the Commission’s efforts to protect your community.

Filing a complaint of Discriminatory Harassment is easy. Call (914) 995-9500 or send an e-mail to the Commission at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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This general guidance is not binding, is not to be used in any litigation or proceeding, and does not constitute legal advice.