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Report Incidents of Hate, Bias or Discrimination

Important: This is not 911 or an Emergency Service or a Police complaint form. Do not use this form to report incidents that present an immediate threat. If you need emergency assistance, call 911. You can submit this form using your name or anonymously.

Submission of this form does not constitute a complaint to a criminal law enforcement agency. Submission of this form does not constitute filing of an official Complaint under the Westchester County Human Rights Law or Fair Housing Law. If you would like to file an official Complaint with the Commission, please contact our office at (914) 995-9500 or by email at

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What is a Hate Incident?
Hate incidents are different from hate crimes. In general, a hate incident is an act motivated by prejudice or bias that targets individual(s) or group(s) because of their actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, language, age, or disability (or other protected category under County law). Hate incidents do not necessarily violate any federal, state, or local criminal law. Nevertheless, they can have consequences for the targeted individual and the public far beyond the act itself and should be reported by everyone, including those targeted and bystanders.

Hate incidents are designed to intimidate, isolate, degrade, traumatize, and sow fear in the targeted individual or group. Most acts of hate go unreported because of fear or embarrassment. As a County, we must speak up against hate in all of its forms. If you have witnessed or are the target of a hate incident (or the representative of someone who has), complete the form below or contact the Commission at (914) 995-9500 or at

The Commission takes issues of hate seriously. To the extent permitted by law, we will respect your privacy. However, please be aware that there are circumstances in which it may not be possible to guarantee anonymity.

Fill out this form if you have experienced or witnessed an incident of bias, hatred or discrimination.

An asterisk (*) indicates required information

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If you have photos of the incident, send them to

Indicate in the e-mail the information listed below so we can match the photos to the incident.

  • the date and approximate time the incident report was submitted to us
  • the date, time and location of the incident entered into the report form

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